Kalisa Joseph, an orphan, is cared for by his 17-year-old sister following the loss of their mother to cancer. Interests: Kalisa is sociable, though his learning pace is slower than average. There are indications that he may have developmental challenges, possibly related to his mother’s reported alcohol consumption during pregnancy and her struggle with cancer, which led to her passing away. His elder sister, aged 17, currently supports him. Challenges: Kalisa faces financial difficulties due to being an orphan and relies on his sister for support. Personality: He is playful but tends to forget what he learns in class. Interests…
Kalisa is a 4-year-old boy who exudes curiosity and a joyful spirit. With a bright smile and eager eyes, he loves exploring his surroundings and interacting with others. Despite his young age, Kalisa shows a natural affinity for socializing and enjoys playful activities that spark his imagination. He is inquisitive about the world around him and delights in learning new things, although he sometimes needs a bit more time to grasp concepts. Kalisa’s carefree nature and genuine kindness make him a joy to be around, bringing warmth and laughter to those who know him.