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per week

Vocational Skills Training

Our Vocational Skills Training program equips parents, children, widows, youths, and other unemployed individuals with practical skills to boost economic opportunities and combat poverty through Christian principles. We offer training in jewelry making, baking, livestock rearing, and more, promoting financial independence and community development.
  • Awesome Image230+ registered trainees per month.
  • Awesome Image200+ jobs created & projects established.
Make a Donation
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Holistic Support
Beyond Skills Training

Our Vocational Skills Training program offers more than just technical skills. We provide mentorship, job placement assistance, and microfinance access, ensuring participants are well-supported in their career journeys and achieve long-term economic stability.
Holistic Support

Community Growth & Long-Term Benefits

Our vocational training stimulates economic growth and strengthens communities by helping individuals secure jobs or start businesses. The program’s impact extends as former trainees become role models and contributors to local development, investing in brighter futures for their families and communities.
Training Materials
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We're called to Serve - Ephesians 3:19

We are driven by a deep sense of empathy and love for those we serve, reflecting the compassionate
nature of Christ in our interactions and programs.

Serve with
Beyond Nations

Do you believe in serving a higher purpose through helping others?